Monday, January 14, 2008

Fast Forward or Rewind Video in Blackberry

Not sure who designed the user interface of the Blackberry Media player. But it took me quite some time to figure out how to move around different time positions when viewing a video. Here is the step-by-step guide:

1) Pause the video

2) Use the trackball to scroll up. Notice the blue bar above the Play button is highlighted.

3) Click the trackball. Notice the position marker also turns from white to blue

4) Use the trackball to move to a desired time position and click the trackball. The position marker becomes white again

5) Scroll down the trackball and click the Play button to start playing video in the new time position


Unknown said...

Thanks for taking the time to post this. You've saved me buying another app just for this feature.


Unknown said...

Thanks. This really helps

MissFann said...

This is great!! I completely ignored using the trackball to fast forward, thanks a lot!!!

Unknown said...

Thanx dude ,u have suggested very good wayout ur genious thanx again

Woodchuck said...
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Woodchuck said...

I have been using this feature, but lately, it will not fast forward the file when I click the trackball. I'm unable to find out if this is a bug in the BB version I'm on (

Unknown said...

WOW!!! Thank you SO MUCH!!!! Great information!

Charlie Day said...

Big thanks, i could'nt figure it out by myself ;)

Neel said...

One question if we have to quckly go to a desired point what I mean is if we run a movie of 2 hrs and I have to go to middle of movie can it quickly happen as moving the trackball upto that level takes a hell lot of a time

Sfuck said...

Why on earth do you have 997 unread messages??